How to Service a Concrete Brick Making Machine

The majority of concrete brick-making machines are designed to work in gravel, sand, rainfall, and other difficult conditions. This means that their technical condition must be better than that of other concrete block making machine with auto feeder. This is because the parts will loosen, wear, and corrode, resulting in a reduction in performance, and eventually machine downtime. As a result, we must be keen to make sure that these machines are serviced regularly.

5 Ways of Ensuring Proper Maintenance

1. Pay Close Attention to Abnormalities

If any irregularities are discovered, the equipment should be shut down immediately. After that, the cause of the issue should be explored by a professional. Remember, a little issue might eventually cause the entire system to fail, thus it must be addressed as soon as possible.

2. Let Professionals Do the Servicing

Maintenance and servicing by an inexperienced person are even more concerning than not maintaining the machines at all. This is because a mistake that is ignored or not properly treated can lead to a larger problem in the future. Therefore, be sure that all repairs and servicing are performed by qualified professionals exclusively.

ABM-4SE semi automatic concrete block making machine
ABM-4SE semi automatic concrete block making machine

3. Administer Planned Routine Checks

Normally, machine owners usually wait for the concrete block making machine sale to break down before they can have it checked. However, this should not be the case, since servicing should be done regularly. Every day, before you start using the brick machine, double-check that all of the bolts are securely fastened. Additionally, the lubrication parts must be lubricated per the specifications.

4. Thoroughly Read the Machine Manual, and Adhere to the Instructions

When manufacturing a machine, every concrete block making machine manufacturer includes a manual full of important instructions. Unfortunately, many people start using their concrete brick-making machines before reading the manual. This can be dangerous because wrong machine use can cause it to malfunction.

That said, double-check that all of the parts, as well as the program parameters, are in perfect conditions as per the manual. More importantly, use the machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Remember to keep an eye on its working condition, and shut it down as soon as you notice any abnormalities. Lastly, make sure to clean the machine according to the equipment manual after using it every day.

ABM-4S fully automatic concrete block manufacturing machine
ABM-4S fully automatic concrete block manufacturing machine

5. Consider Weather and Temperature Changes

When it comes to heavy machinery, the output is not the same in low and high temperatures. This is because the weather makes a tremendous effect, and so numerous changes in production must be taken into account. For example, water is frequently utilized as a raw material in manufacturing, and low temperatures can cause the mixture to freeze. To avoid this, antifreeze or insulation procedures should be implemented.

Part of successfully running a construction project is having access to the best semi-automatic concrete block making machine. However, no matter how good your machine is, it cannot function at optimum without proper maintenance. As such, you will need to not only clean it after use but have it checked every day before work begins. Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s manual, as well as enlist the help of a professional serviceman.