5 Thing You Should Know When Choosing 4 Ton Overhead Crane

There are several reasons why most businesses running warehouses in recent times are leaning towards overhead cranes. Not only are these machines super-efficient at moving loads across large areas, but more importantly are great at saving much-needed space in tight fit spaces. That said, buying an overhead crane takes a whole lot more than going for the lowest bidder.

4 ton overhead crane for sale
4 Ton Overhead Crane

Besides checking for the latest technological features, there is a host of safety requirements and crane variations to consider. In short, getting the right 4-ton overhead crane suitable for your applications requires extensive research and consultation. Fortunately, here’s everything you need to know when choosing overhead cranes for your business.

Five Things to Know When Purchasing a 4-ton Overhead Crane:

1. Duty Cycle – depending on the application, the duty cycle may be heavy or light. For instance, a production crane will outrightly require a heavy duty cycle compared to, say, one used for shipping applications. Before purchasing a crane, you’ll have to ask yourself how often the crane will be in use on an hourly basis and if so, will it be moving loads at full capacity? The long and short of it is, the intended duty cycle of a crane should eventually determine the type of motor to go for. For instance, a heavy duty motor used for light applications only leads to over-spending in regards to fuel consumption.

2. Safety – it is quite unfortunate how safety is often overlooked when purchasing an overhead crane. The safety of your crane operator and other staff should be a predominant factor to consider before purchase. Some of the features to look out for include inbuilt lights for large cranes that may be blocking the overhead illumination, and cab control for cranes on fast cycles. In a nutshell, you want things running safely around the warehouse and in a seamless fashion.

3. Speed – generally, most businessmen and women purchasing overhead cranes usually forget checking out for the speeds. Sure, the standard speeds of most of these machines are designed to work for most applications, but what happens when you need to increase production? In other instances, low-speed overhead cranes are preferred: in assembly plants, for example. It is therefore essential to know precisely how fast you want your crane to be before putting anything to paper.

4. Coverage – the area covered by a crane should be among the top priorities to look out for. This is generally referred to as the hook approach. If you own a large warehouse that requires extensive area coverage to deliver a load hook safely, you probably want one possessing the right features for the task at hand. The bottom line is, you will need to know how much coverage you require for your crane to work effectively https://overheadcranesuppliers.com/40-ton-overhead-crane/.

5. Technological Features – generally, modern features always come with additional benefits ranging from increased production to energy-saving solutions. While you can easily purchase a 4-ton overhead crane with decade-old technology at pocket-friendly prices, you’ll have to bear the steep energy costs in the long-term. Always strive to ensure you get the best technological features in every machine you purchase, especially overhead cranes.

As gathered from the above, a lot of research is necessary before purchasing overhead cranes. Other factors to think about include lift height requirements and warranty.